Learn The Bass Clef
There’s a method to learning how to read any note. You just need two rhythms to learn every note on the bass clef. Find out more in the lesson.
The Circle Of Fifths
Understand why this circle is so important to music and can unlock the key to all music theory.
Understanding Rhythm
Understand how rhythm is written down and played. A specific lesson for bass players.
Learn Five Bass Rhythms
Learn these five rhythms that come up time and time again in bass lines and grooves.
Key Signatures Explained
Find out how to understand keys and key signatures. An important lesson to help really understand music theory.
Understanding Sharps & Flats
There is often a lot of misunderstandings around sharps and flats. Find out the lowdown with this easy to understand lesson.
The Major Scale
Find out how to play the major scale, why it’s important and how to use it to help understand harmony.
The Minor Scale
The minor scale is essential to all musicians. Find out why and how to play it on the bass.