Five Essential Bass Scales

Spend time learning scales so that you can understand how bass lines are constructed.

Arpeggios For Bass

The notes from arpeggios are chord tones which are essential for bass player to construct bass lines and riffs from.


How To Play Muted Notes

If you want to get more funky with your bass lines then you need to master muted notes. Find out the low-down in this video lesson.


Left Hand Technique

Find out what you should be doing with your left hand. Set up a proper technique and learn about articulation.


Right Hand Technique

Learn what to do with your plucking hand, set up a great sounding bass tone and learn how to play fast.


Start Reading Music

If you are a beginner on the bass then learning to read music as you learn to play will really enhance your playing and musicianship.


Learn To Read A Chord Chart

As well as reading notation or Tab, the ability to read a chord chart makes you a more flexible musician at rehearsals or gigs.


Learn Notes on The Bass FAST!

A really useful lesson for beginners to learn where all the notes are on the bass fretboard.


Hammer-on, Pull-off!

Find out how to play these two bass guitar techniques and speed up your playing.